Juan Li is one of the outstanding teachers transmitting Taoist wisdom today. His teachings are well structured, clear and full of information. He can offer almost encyclopedic knowledge on practically any spiritual subject, not even mentioning his personal charm and charism nor his own training with numerous Taoist and Tibetan masters during the stages of his own journey of self-development.
Everything that Juan Li teaches - and he conducts more than 40 various workshops - he has passed through himself, practising for many years. Practising he realised how this or that practise influences body, emotions, power, or spiritual growth. Juan Li only shares with us practices which turned out to be highly efficient and in line with his own long-term self-practise. But perhaps this is still not the most important thing in his way of teaching.
Many of us undertake journeys to different countries, get acquainted with new systems of self-development and try hard to find the right spiritual teacher. Doing so we notice perhaps that some teachers are still subject to the influences of their own ego - e.g. some of them want to be famous and honoring, others need to feel important giving classes or others just want to make a profit. Nobody can be condemned, everyone is here to solve his own specific problems.
But in this respect we were lucky to get acquainted with a teacher of a very high spiritual level. Juan Li is very simple in communication, does not strive neither for glory, nor for honoring. He lives in the modern world and practices ancient traditions, without denying modern technologies and without refusing material life. He travels a lot, conducts workshops worldwide, and still his own practice, his own spiritual growth has the highest value for him and anyone who comes to one of his classes can feel that.
The main thing in Juan Li's teachings is him himself. He is at a very high vibratory level and it can be felt without having any special sensitivity. In the workshops Juan Li can level up students (certainly open for growth and aspiring to it) onto a higher spiritual level. For this reason each seminar of Juan can be a new stage for his students - some of whom have followed his classes for years in different countries, went on pilgrimage with him, or even on a trip to holy places. He shares with us not only knowledge and wisdom, but also his vibrational state, his experience at the non-verbal levels.
Juan Li constantly teaches in Spain where he lives and regularly gives classes in Germany, Holland, Greece and Russia. We are happy that Juan will come back to Kazakhstan this year for the second time.
Juan's teaching might not be for everyone, but many people these days are ready for regular practise, have a strong motivation and are not afraid to dive into the depth of their being - for all of them it might be a gift.
To make the teachings of Juan more easily available we offer regular online workshops as well as a series of workshop recordings.
Juan Li began his studies of self-development practices in 1970, upon graduation from Brooklyn College, in New York. He received a degree in Ancient Chinese History, specializing on the influence of the I Ching on Chinese culture.
From 1971 he began in Nepal, where he resided for six years, the study of meditation, dream yogas and mantra with a series of Indian and Tibetan teachers. During this period his main teachers were Lama Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche of east Tibet, Lama Sangye Tenzing of Nepal, Lama Kongtrul Rinpoche of eastern Tibet and Yogi Nitaigiri Babaji of Orissa, India.
From 1979 he began learning in Japan with Takizawa Sensei of the Shinto system centered on the sacred mountain of Iwakiyama. It is there that one of the teachers introduced him to the esoteric aspect of the I Ching. During this same period he began to study the Chinese martial arts with Sifu Sih Ho Chu who taught him two styles of Tai Chi and one of Kung Fu over a period of seven years.
In 1982 he met Daoist Master Mantak Chia in New York, with whom began a long period of collaboration in the editing and illustration of twelve books. In 1996 Juan Li, together with Mackenzie Steward helped write and illustrate under the supervision of Master Mantak Chia, the book, The Inner Structure of Tai Chi.
From 2008 he has been refining the practices on death and transcendence with Lama Ayang Rinpoche, from whom he received in 2009 the transmission of the True Nature of Mind in Bodhgaya India.
The central practices of Juan Li are the dream yogas and mantra. One specialty he has been developing from the start of his journey has been the I Ching as a guide to the entire process of self development.
Since 1988 Juan Li has been teaching the complete Daoist system in 16 different countries of Europe and the Americas. The teachings are developed utilizing the guidance of the inner structure of the I Ching. This approach to practice he has named ‘I Ching Dao’.
From 1996 he has specialized on the emotional, mental and psychic obstacles encountered by western practitioners, giving emphasis to the need to raise the level of consciousness instead of orienting the practices to seeking short term powers.
At present he resides in Spain on the Canary Islands from where he has formed a group of instructors on the different levels of the I Ching Dao program.
For more information about Juan Li and the I Ching Dao please vitit: www.ichingdao.org